Crab Feast 2015 Donations
Posted by willowglenpab on Dec 17, 2014 in Boosters | Comments Off on Crab Feast 2015 DonationsDonations for our auction and drawing at our Crab Feast in January 2015
Help make our crab feast a success by donating a gift card or an auction item such as a vacation house, tickets to a sporting event, a service that you can provide, or a party that you can host, or anything else you can think of.
Gift Card Donations
Do you have any gift cards laying the house that you are not using? Consider donating them to our gift-card drawing at our feast. You can drop them off at our upcoming meetings, or at our mailbox at the High School. Questions? contact Linda Shelby at: theshelbys@hotmail.com
Auction Donations
Friends with Benefits
Donate your time and talent to raise money for our amazing WG Performing Arts programs during our 2015 Crab Feast. Do you like to throw parties? Cook? Organize? Hike? Create your personalized auction item for our Friends with Benefits fundraiser to be held during our 2015 Crab Feast. Decide whether you would like your item auctioned (live or silent) or whether you would like everyone interested to sign up at a stated price. Let us know by January 14, 2015 and commit to perform your event/service by September 2015.
Here are a few ideas to spark your creativity:
Events to Host and Sponsor
Karaoke Party
Poker Night
Mom’s Night In
Monday Night Football BBQ
Mountain Bike Excursion
Guide a Nature Hike
Rent a Game Truck
Soccer/Basketball Clinic
Tamale Making Party
Themed Cocktail Party
Trivia Contest
Wine Tasting
Cool Things to Share
Day on Your Boat
Entertainment for an Event
Professional Advice (i.e. Engineering, Legal, Financial, College Prep)
Timeshare Week
Unused Gift Cards
Use of Your Home or Yard for Someone Else’s event
Vacation Home
Services to Provide
Airport Chauffeur
Computer “clean up”
Gift Wrapping
Golf/Tennis/Surfing Lessons
Interior Decorating Organizing
Pet Sitting/Walking
Yard Work
If you can make a donation, fill out the friends-with-benefits form and email it to Linda Shelby at: theshelbys@hotmail.com