Donations for Breakfast this Sunday!
Posted by willowglenpab on Jan 9, 2015 in Boosters | Comments Off on Donations for Breakfast this Sunday!Drop by for Breakfast!
The Performing Arts Boosters’
Bottles and Bucks for Breakfast
Bring a bottle (or case!) of wine, a gift card, or a cash donation, and we’ll treat you to breakfast!
Sunday, January 11, 2015
Between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM
1042 Carolyn Ave.
Help the WG Performing Arts Boosters throw our annual Crab Feast Fundraiser by bringing a donation of wine*, gift cards*, or a check written to WGPAB. The WGPAB supports all of the performing arts at Willow Glen High School and Willow Glen Middle School!
*$25+ value, please