Help us get our theater!
Posted by willowglenpab on Sep 21, 2014 in Boosters | Comments Off on Help us get our theater!Measure H Meeting
October 14, 2014
6:30-8pm, Gunderson High (662 Gaundabert Lane, San José)
This meeting is to discuss how our Measure H money will be spent. There are 3 schools who want a theatre built – WGHS, Lincoln, and Pioneer. We have nothing but a cafeteria with a stage. We need your voice! Please come and support Willow Glen’s efforts to lobby for a theatre for our school. Come talk about how a theatre would benefit our school and our community, and why we deserve it! Our performing arts programs cannot continue to grow without a place to take classes, practice and perform.
A note from our HS Principal:
Measure H Meeting on October 14
The WG Community had the opportunity to provide input on the possible improvements we would like to see at Willow Glen with Measure H funds at our meeting on September 18. For those of you who attended the meeting, I appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedules to participate in the process. In addition to that meeting, we have another opportunity to reiterate what is important to our community about how the district allocates Measure H funds. SJUSD will hold a districtwide Measure H community meeting on Tuesday, October 14, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. at Gunderson High (662 Gaundabert Lane, San José). I urge you all to attend this important meeting so that we may present our case in front of the Superintendent, district personnel, and SJUSD School Board.
Phil Roark
Principal, Willow Glen High School
San Jose Unified School District