Important Funding Meeting February 26, 2014
Posted by willowglenpab on Feb 24, 2014 in Boosters | Comments Off on Important Funding Meeting February 26, 2014Please attend…
Wednesday, February 26, 6:30PM, WGHS Library
Dear Performing Arts Supporters,
We have a unique and important opportunity to really make a BIG difference in the performing arts at Willow Glen this Wednesday evening.
As you may have heard, California now has a new way of giving money to school districts through a process known as the LCFF: Local Control Funding Formula. The LCFF allows districts and school boards to choose how they are going to prioritize their spending. As such, we have an ongoing opportunity to influence their decision-making and priorities.
This Wednesday evening, February 26, there will be a meeting in the Willow Glen High School Library beginning at 6:30pm. At this meeting, a committee created by our school board/district will be taking input from the community on how our local funding should be spent. Additionally, this committee will be listening to suggestions from the local community on how to spend the Measure H bond money within the district.
This is our opportunity to show the district how important it is to the Willow Glen community to build a new performing arts center. Please, please, please plan on attending this meeting to show your support for our fantastic performing arts students and programs. We CAN overwhelm them with supporters and influence their decisions. This is not far-off dream, but a real idea that has already been discussed by school board members and administrators. We all need to show up and show the committee how serious we are.
I know that we can fill the library to overflowing with students, parents, and performing arts supporters. I hope to see you proudly there on Wednesday night. Tell everyone you know and let’s get this done! Let’s go, RAMS!
Mary-Kathryn Lee
Band Director, Willow Glen MS/HS