WGMS Spring Musical: Singin’ in the Rain Jr.

We are once again working with the wonderful people at Starting Arts to put on Singin’ in the Rain in the spring!

Rehearsals have begun, and here is a detailed rehearsal calendar (PDF). There will be no rehearsals during the Winter Break (2/20/17-2/24/17).

Production Package payments or donations to WGPAB can be made online at https://wgpab.ejoinme.org/SingJr.  The Production Package offsets the cost of your kid’s t-shirt, cast/crew photos, tech week rehearsal dinner, director gifts, and the April 3 cast party.  Please note that you should enter your kid’s name when the system asks for “Detailed Information.”

A mandatory parent meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 2 from 5:30 – 6:30 in the Little Theater. Sign up for your mandatory volunteer slots ASAP!

Mandatory Tech Rehearsals are:
Saturday, 3/25 – 8am-9pm – tech load-in and tech dress rehearsal – both casts.  Student arrival time TBA
Monday, 3/27 – tech rehearsal – 3:30-8:30pm – both casts
Tuesday 3/28 – tech rehearsal – 3:30-8:30pm – both casts

Performances will be:
Wednesday, 3/29 – 7pm – Talkie Cast
Thursday, 3/30 – 7pm – Technicolor Cast
Friday, 3/31 – 5:30pm (Technicolor Cast) and 8:30pm (Talkie Cast)
Saturday, 4/1 – 1pm (Talkie Cast) and 6pm (Technicolor Cast)

Questions?  E-mail wgmsdrama@gmail.com.


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