Wine-Tasting Benefit, January 4
Posted by willowglenpab on Dec 27, 2016 in Boosters | Comments Off on Wine-Tasting Benefit, January 4Happy Holidays, PAB Supporters and Friends!
Please join us for a Wine-Tasting Benefit on January 4th from 5–7 p.m. at Joseph George Wines. We will be tasting wines and enjoying appetizers. You can help in one of three ways: purchase wines for the 2017 Crab Feast and get a 20% discount; restock your wines, and Joseph George will donate 20% of the proceeds to the Crab Feast; or bring by your donation of event tickets and gift cards (value of $25 or more) for our Crab Feast.
Also, be sure to get your tickets to the Crab Feast on January 21, 2017. It’s the neighborhood party of the year that supports Willow Glen’s Performing Arts community. Purchase tickets here: https://wgpab.ejoinme.org/MyEvents/CrabFeast2017/TicketSalesandRegistration.
Please consider being a sponsor to the event or donating to the Crab Feast. We are seeking sponsors, resort getaways, gift certificates to fine dining establishments, new high-tech items, bicycles, and tickets to plays, musicals, and sporting events. Please go to our Crab Feast page.
Finally, join us in making this event awesome by being a volunteer. We have some lead positions open and lots of opportunities to donate a few hours during the weekend of the event. Please go to our Crab Feast page to volunteer and to get more information.
Thanks for your continued support of our performing arts students!
Loris van Ark
WGPAB President